Indicator LAUMAS W60000


Indicator LAUMAS W60000 là loại cân rất tiện dụng và được ưa chuộng. Indicator LAUMAS W60000 còn là loại cân được thiết kế với độ chính xác cao và ưu điểm vượt trội. Các bạn hãy liên hệ với công ty chúng tôi để có Indicator LAUMAS W60000 chất lượng, giá rẻ. Để biết thêm chi tiết xin vui lòng liên hệ Công ty cân điện tử Hưng Thịnh - Điện Thoại : ( 08 ).3512.34.53, Fax : ( 08 ).3512.34.54 Website :

Indicator LAUMAS W60000

Indicator LAUMAS W60000 la loai can rat tien dung va duoc ua chuong. Cac ban hay lien he voi cong ty chung toi de co Indicator LAUMAS W60000 chat luong, gia re. De biet them chi tiet xin vui long lien he cong ty can dien tu Hung Thinh - Điện Thoại : ( 08 ).3512.34.53, Fax : ( 08 ).3512.34.54 Website :

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Slider6 Slider3 Slider1 Slider2 Slider4 Slider5

Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000

Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000
Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000 - image1 Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000 - image2 Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000 - image3 Indicator LAUMAS W60000, Indicator LAUMAS W60000 - image4

W60000 series

Digital/analog weight indicator in DIN box (96x96x130 mm).
for panel mounting. IP54 front panel protection. Six-digit semialphanumeric
display (14 mm h), 7 segment; 8 alarm LED. Five-key membrane keyboard.
Real-time clock with buffer battery.
IP67 waterproof polycarbonate box version: Dimensions 180 x 130 x 77 mm. Four fixing holes Ø 4 mm (centre distance 163 x 113 mm).
CE-M approvable EN45501-2009/23/EC-OIML R76:2006.
The instrument is equipped with RS232 and RS485 serial ports for connection to:
- PC/PLC up to 32 instruments (max 99 with line repeaters) by ASCII Laumas protocol or ModBus RTU. Optional Protocols: Profi bus DP and Ethernet/ModbusTCP, USB and Radio by appropriate converter.
- Remote display.
- Printer and/or RD data recorder.
THEORETICAL CALIBRATION is performed via the keyboard.
REAL CALIBRATION with linearization up to 5 points.
Continuous checking the load cells connection.
Lock function for keypad, display and menu.
Operation: The inputs can work as: net/gross weight, zero-setting, peak, print or can be remotely read via protocol.
The outputs can works as set-points or can be remotely switched via protocol.
W200ANA, JOLLYW200ANA models: Optoisolated analog output 16 bit
(65535 div.): 0-20mA; 4-20mA (max 300ohm); 0-10 Vdc; 0-5 Vdc; +/- 10 Vdc; +/- 5 Vdc (min 10kohm).


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